Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

“Silly Question Saturday” event will help Demystify the Minnesota Legislature

Majority in the Middle is hosting a “Silly Question Saturday” event this Saturday, October 26, to help introduce the public to the state capitol and demystify the legislative process.

“The state capitol can be an intimidating place. It’s big, it’s easy to get lost, and it’s full of customs and rules and norms that seem… well… abnormal.” said Shannon Watson, executive director of Majority in the Middle. “So we’re hosting an opportunity to come learn more about the legislative process from the people who know it best, before the next legislative session begins.”

These free events are appropriate for students, citizens, issue advocates, new (or new-ish) lobbyists and staff — anyone who wants to learn more about what goes on during a legislative session and why.

The event is being held 10:30am to noon.

The event is free, but space is limited and pre-registration is required.

Registration, information on parking, what we mean by “silly questions” and the experts helping to lead the conversation can be found on the Majority in the Middle website (https://www.majoritymiddle.com/event-details/silly-question-saturday-at-the-minnesota-state-capitol-4).

About Majority in the Middle

Majority in the Middle is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an objective, outside force for systemic change that seeks to improve transparency, participation, and civility within Minnesota political and civic life. Majority in the Middle works to elevate elected representatives who embrace working with others to find solutions, and to identify and encourage structural changes in governing that will remove barriers to such cooperation and advance politics we can be proud of. Learn more at majoritymiddle.com and find us on LinkedInInstagramFacebook and X.