Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Trading Post recap: 11/1/24

Trading Post 11/1

  • Free: cats and kittens 

507 461 7060 Waseca 


  • Wanted: about 6-12 laying hens 

Lonsdale 612 308 1902


  • For Sale: three sections of 3 inch chimney pipe for pellet stove $100 obo 

612 518 0809 Northfield


  • Free: 15 chickens: 10 hens and 5 roosters 2 years old, For Sale: pull type lawn vac, STIHL leaf blower 

952 873 6135, 952 212 9597 Belle Plaine


  • For Sale: turkey fryer used only twice $25, 36 inch wood burning fire pit $40, Wally dish w/ receiver and tripod $100 

Faribault 612 298 9693


  • For Rent: inside storage for boats and small trailers 

952 445 5125 South of Shakopee


  • For Sale: Honda 2000 generator in excellent condition $750 

612 834 3443 Montgomery


  • For Sale: rocking chair w/ foot stool, long adjustable lamp 

507 782 9294 Le Center


  • For Sale: 20 ft. bale conveyor w/ new motor 

Hampton 612 865 1931