Cold Weather Keeps Some Anglers Off the Ice
Officials with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources say fishing activity tapered off with the cold weather, but anglers who did venture out were having good luck.
Conservation Officer Tony Hams in Warroad says anglers reported increased success later in the week near Pine Island. Violations encountered were no license in possession, multiple instances of angling with extra lines, litter, unmarked shelter, possession of fillets on the ice, and illegal-length walleyes. Conservation Officer Coby Fontes reports enforcement action was taken for possessing an overlimit of walleyes, possessing fillets on the ice, failure to retain carcasses, no license in possession, and possession of alcohol by a minor.
Conservation Officer Ben Huener in Roseau says violations for the week included angling without a license and possessing an overlimit of walleyes/sauger.
Conservation Officer Jeremy Woinarowicz of Thief River Falls says he worked a detail on Lake of the Woods with CO Huener. He also monitored area angling activity in the Thief River Falls area. Enforcement action for the week included angling without a license, angling with an extra line, illegal-length northern pike, unregistered ATV, and possessing dressed fillets on a special regulations water.