Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

2025 Annual Art Exhibit “Call for Entries”

The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is now accepting applications for their annual art exhibit.

Artists from our 7 county service region are invited to enter the art exhibit to compete for $2,300 in cash awards. Artists in Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Polk, Pennington, Roseau, or Red Lake counties are eligible. Both adults and high school students are encouraged to enter up to two pieces. The first prize for adults is $500.

The annual Art Exhibit will be at the University of Minnesota Crookston starting April 7. Winning artists will be recognized and receive their check at the Artist Reception at UMC on Sunday, April 27.

Visit northwestminnesotaartscouncil.org for more information, including the exhibit entry rules and directions. The deadline to submit your artwork is February 28th.