Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally


Over 60 people gathered in the Hanska Community Center for an informational meeting on future funding of the library.  The Hanska City Council held the meeting to inform the public about rising operating costs ahead of approving 2025 funding.  The library’s budgeting operating expense is $35,735.  The city receives over $18-thousand from the Brown County Library Levy, over $3400 from special donations and $350 from fees, reimbursements and sales with the remaining money paid from Hanska’s city budget.  Costs are expected to rise next year with the city’s share for the library  going up to over $18,000.  Members of the public who commented during the meeting this week favored keeping funding for the library even if it resulted in higher taxes.  The city council has not decided if library funding should go to voter referendum but it could be discussed at a future meeting.  The next Hanska City Council meeting is Monday at 6 pm on the second floor of the Community Center.