Monday, April 15, 2024
2019 New Holland 313 discbine, rubber conditioners, single owner, excellent condition, 218-686-5648
2 bottle lambs, both ewes, nursing from the bottle and off to a good start, $70 each, 218-537-0484
6-ton fertilizer spreader, has roll tarp, in good condition, 218-289-1806
Full-queen camper mattress, clean with no rips or stains, from pet-free and smoke-free home, stored inside, $25; 2 standard-size white commodes, clean and boxed, no cracks or chips, $25 each; corner TV stand, oak, sits on the floor, can accommodate a large TV, $50 OBO, 218-684-1480
2001 John Deere 6×4 Gator, excellent condition, $6,250, 218-289-5058
31” Panasonic TV, $50; shotgun shells, 9 boxes of 12 ga. and 1 box of 16 ga., $12 each or $100 for all 10; Nordic track exercise bike, $75; Arctic Cat sled skis w/rebuilt box, $75; I will donate the $150 to the school’s Mug Fundraiser, 218-688-2740
Bale spear and manure bucket for skid steer, call/text 218-684-1129