Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally


New Ulm officials are continuing to monitor the Cottonwood and Minnesota Rivers as rains continue to fall.  Police chief and New Ulm Emergency Management Director Dave Borchert says the latest forecast is a bit more favorable.  He says the Cottonwood is forecast to crest Monday at 18 feet.  Borchert does expect Cottonwood Street to close sometime Saturday morning.  That street closes when the Cottonwood reaches 13.1 feet.  Borchert says the Minnesota River is forecast to crest next week at 802.5 feet, flood stage being 800 feet.  He says these forecasts can change depending on how much rain we do get.  Borchert recommends staying off the rivers at this point.




Borchert does encourage you, if you live near a river to monitor it closely.  The trails at Flandrau State Park will close when the Cottonwood reaches 19 feet but Borchert does not expect that to happen at this time.