Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Visitor’s Day Scheduled at U of M North Central Research & Outreach Center

New date and time – Tuesday, July 23 from 2-6 p.m.

Mark your calendar! The University of Minnesota North Central Research & Outreach Center (NCROC) will
host its annual Visitor's Day Tuesday, July 23 from 2-6 p.m. Tours, activities, informational booths and vendors
will be featured throughout the event.

Visitors will be able to take wagon tours to NCROC’s apple orchard, bog, and through various research areas.
Two presentations featuring Helga the Hereford, a full-size cow model designed to simulate dystocia events
(difficult calvings) will be held.

University of Minnesota specialists, Extension educators, Itasca County Master Gardeners and the 8 th District
Garden Club will be available to explain research programs and answer questions. Information booths will be
in the Administration and Equipment buildings.

Activities for children will include a scavenger hunt, a Bell Museum interactive booth, potato digging, and more.
The Horticulture program has planned several activities, including blueberry plant health and annual flower
trials. Staff from the University of Minnesota mums, potatoes and organics programs will be onsite. The Itasca
County Master Gardeners will conduct plant diagnostics and answer your questions about water quality and
food preservation, and host planting for kids and compost demonstrations.

Itasca Waters returns this year with two displays – one indoor and the other outdoor.

For updated information, visit the following online platforms:
NCROC’s website: https://ncroc.cfans.umn.edu/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NCROC
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ncroc_uofm
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ncroc_uofm/

NCROC was established in 1896.  It is part of a statewide network of research and outreach centers (ROCs)
whose collective charter and vision is to conduct broad based, research and education programs in natural
resources and agricultural systems that have direct impact on stakeholders and citizens of the region, state,
nation, and world.  Research programs at the NCROC include Agronomy, Beef Systems Management,
Horticulture and Wild Rice.

Learn how University of Minnesota research impacts your life! Come early to enjoy the tours and see the wide
range of activities happening at NCROC! All ages are welcome to attend this fun and educational event.
Admission is free.

NCROC is located on the east edge of Grand Rapids at 1861 East US Highway 169.
For more information, contact NCROC at 218-327-4490 ext. 2001, or visit the above online platforms.