Christmas Bird Count Set For December 19th
Rydell and Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuges will be hosting their 10th Annual Christmas Bird Count on Thursday, December 19th.
The public event is the longest running citizen science bird project in the U.S..
This year marks the 125th year of the Christmas Bird Count. Information from the count provides important information on winter ranges of birds, population trends, and how a changing climate alters winter bird distribution.
Refuge staff say this event can serve as a learning experience for new birders, who will be paired up with Refuge staff or experienced volunteers. Participants will meet at the Rydell NWR Visitor Center at 8:00am for coffee and a brief meeting. Refuge staff will host a potluck lunch back at the Visitor Center at noon.
RSVP by December 16th to Wildlife Biologist, Ben Walker call 218-230-5563.