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Fishing and Hunting License Violations Reported

Officials with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources say success has been spotty for tip-up northern pike anglers and walleye/sauger anglers on Lake of the Woods.

Conservation officer Ben Huener in Roseau says “some pike anglers are finding larger fish in 8 to 12 feet of water”. He says violations for the week included anglers using too many lines and fillet-possession infractions. Tip-up anglers are reminded that when using dead bait to only use Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus-certified bait.

Conservation officer Coby Fontes in Warroad says pike and walleye anglers had mixed success. He reports enforcement action was taken for angling with an extra line, possession of an illegal-length pike, no shelter license, and angling without a license.

Meanwhile, conservation officer Jeremy Woinarowicz in Thief River Falls says he “completed investigations into a North Dakota resident purchasing Minnesota resident licenses and firearm deer hunters taking deer with invalid licenses”. He says enforcement action was taken for a nonresident purchasing a license restricted to residents and taking deer with an invalid deer license.