Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Happy Memorial Day- Thank you Veterans!

Happy Memorial Day!!

Thank you Veterans for your selfless actions and all the sacrifices you have made for this country.

Today at the National Guard Armory in Morris a 9 am ceremony was held to honor those who lost their lives serving the country.

Peter Flannery, the American Legion commander, led the ceremony and also introduced the Morris community band, who played America the Beautiful and The Star Spangled Banner.

Flannery welcomed the mayor of Morris, Kevin Wohlers who gave a speech about his 22 and a half years of service for the Minnesota Army Guard.

Following the ceremony, Flannery led people to the Calvary Cemetery in Morris for a moment of silence and speeches from longtime veterans.

Commander of VFW Post 5039 welcomed in VFW Chaplain Monroe Estenson for the remaining time, followed by a firing squad to remember those who lost their lives.