High School Students Invited to Partake in Congressional Art Competition
Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district.
Since the Artistic Discovery competition began in 1982, more than 650,000 high school students have participated nationwide.
Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach is encouraging high school students from Minnesota’s Seventh Congressional District to participate in the annual Congressional Art Competition.
She says the longstanding, non-partisan tradition is a wonderful opportunity for students from across the district to showcase their creativity and hard work.
Winners will have their work on display in Fischbach’s offices in Moorhead, Willmar, and Washington, D.C.
The first place winner will also have their work hung in the U.S. Capitol, where it will be seen by members of Congress, staff, and thousands of visitors from across the world.
The deadline for submission is April 16th.
Click here for more information.