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Investigation Concludes in 1980 Stearns Co Newborn Death

The investigation into the death of a newborn baby girl found alongside a road in St. Augusta in Stearns County has concluded.

On April 3rd 1980, a deceased infant, identified as Baby Jane Doe, was located about five feet from the roadway.

In 2020, the Sheriff’s Office and BCA examined evidence collected during the original autopsy.

Parabon NanoLabs was brought in to assist in the investigation of DNA and eventually a likely mother and father of the infant were determined.

In 2021, the likely mother was identified through DNA analysis, however she had previously died.

Earlier this year, the likely father was interviewed and was cooperative, however, he denied any knowledge of the incident.

Ultimately, the Sheriff’s Office has not been able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt a particular person committed a crime related to the death of the baby and the case is now closed.

(Photo-Stearns County Sheriff’s Office: Location of where Baby Jane Doe was found)