Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Listen to our interview with ACGC FFA at the National convention.

The 97th National FFA Convention is happening in Indianapolis. And several local FFA chapters are there enjoying the convention.

The Ingstad Minnesota Radio Network is there too, getting interviews from all the local chapters.

FFA interviews are sponsored by Danube Upholstery, Danube Auto Sales, Minnwest Bank of Danube, Transystems, Citizens Alliance Bank in Sacred Heart, Grizzly Buildings and Supply, Greater Community Credit Union in Renville, Allied Grain, Marcus Construction, Creative Details, Citizens Alliance Agency in Sacred Heart, Home State Bank, Walt’s Soft Cloth Carwash, Kandiyohi County Fair, D&D Supply and Construction, Tree and Turf and Ryan Buer Electric.

The team from ACGC FFA stopped by to tell us what they’re up to. Listen to the interviews here: