Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Monday, November 25, 2024

Men’s Hey Dudes shoes, size 12, $25; men’s ATAC tactical side-zip black boots, size 12, $50; men’s Honeywell rubber boots, size 11, $20, all are in like-new condition, 218-686-2392

‘41 Ford 2-door sedan, for parts or project, needs everything, text/call 218-689-1423

24” snow blower, ready-to-go, electric start, 218-280-2491 or 218-698-4296

3rd crop small square bales of alfalfa mixed hay, also big round bales of alfalfa mixed hay, 218-289-6404

Russet eating potatoes, locally grown, baking and Thanksgiving Special, $10/50 lb bag, call/text 218-779-9396 to order

3 grain bins, 3,000-3,600 bushel, 218-689-4494