Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Primary Election Day

(Learfield News/Undated) — Today’s (Tues) primary election will likely determine which Democrat will represent the 5th Congressional District for the next two years in the U-S House and which Republican will represent the 7th District.

The highly-visible rematch in Minneapolis and near suburbs is between Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar — Donald Trump’s perennial opponent as a member of “The Squad” — and former Minneapolis city councilmember Don Samuels, who lost to Omar by only two points in 2022.

Samuels says Omar is more interested in celebrity status than results, while Omar accuses Samuels of taking Republican super-PAC money.

In western Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District, Republican Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach has former President Trump’s endorsement but couldn’t reach the threshold at the district convention to secure the endorsement and faces a challenge in today’s primary from rural Kensington business owner Steve Boyd.

Meanwhile, in the highly-competitive 2nd Congressional District — suburban and rural areas south of Minneapolis and Saint Paul — Republican-endorsed candidate Tayler Rahm dropped out of the race to become an advisor to Trump’s Minnesota campaign, leaving the field to former federal prosecutor Joe Teirab. The November contest with Democratic Congresswoman Angie Craig is expected to be tight and attract significant national money.