Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally


Turnout for the primary election in New Ulm Tuesday was reportedly low.  In Brown County, primary elections focused on nominations for one U.S Senate Seat and two U.S House of Representative seats.  Local voters chose Amy Klobuchar in the DFL primary with 669 votes.  State GOP voters chose Royce White as the GOP Senate nominee but Brown County voters chose Joe Fraser .  U.S Representative Districts 1 and 7 went to incumbents Brad Finstad and Michelle Fischbach respectively,  Officials say voter turnout was especially low in Ward 2 where only 102 votes were received by 5 pm.  Ward one had 152 votes by 5 pm, Ward 4 had 186 votes by 5:30 pm with Ward 3 showing the most voters with 222 votes by 6 pm.  Officials say the feeling is that people mainly want to get involved with the main elections and don’t feel the urgency to vote in the primaries.