Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

The Wall Street Journal Releases an Article on Morris

Morris made the national news again, and this time it was flattering news. A headline in the Wall Street Journal on July 3rd, said: A conservative farm town went green without even trying. And then the reporter wrote…talking about Morris.

The farm town of the future is visible long before you reach the city limits, thanks to a pair of wind turbines rising as high as the Statue of Liberty above the flat terrain.

They pump cheap electricity into the local grid, providing the energy to make carbon-neutral fertilizer. Closer in, cows graze next to solar panels that provide them with shade.

A county-wide compost operation disposes of food and agricultural waste, electric buses take kids to school, the public library relies on geothermal heating and even a city-owned liquor store has rooftop solar panels.

And then the reporter’s story goes on to list all the ways Morris has gone green, along with seven photographs of the turbines, and Morris.

The Wall Street Journal circulates throughout the world via print and digital.