Trading Post recap: 1/3/25
Trading Post 1-3
- For Sale: ThermoHeat propane heater 30,000 – 60,000 BTU
612 282 5318 Cedar Lake
- For Sale: approx. 10,000 baseball, football, basketball cards make offer
952 891 5708 Lakeville
- For Sale: bunch of used motors and transmissions and some loose scrap metal
Faribault 612 224 6291
- For Sale: three Vexilar depth finders: FL8 $180, FL12 $220, FLX12 $240
507 581 1896 Lonsdale
- For Sale: seasoned firewood
952 594 9936 Le Center
- For Sale: 10 feeder pigs
507 317 4677 Le Center
- Wanted: ground corn near St. Boni/Waconia
612 570 1026 Watertown
- For Sale: Westin brush guard for pickup w/ mounting bracket, black in color $125
612 919 0837 St. Thomas
- For Sale: seasoned, mixed firewood $150 per load, will deliver up to 25 miles
507 381 5387 Le Center
- For Sale: two Gleener combines R60 and R62 w/ heads, two Alliss Chalmers tractors D19 and D17
612 756 3317 Montgomery
- Wanted: small farm tractor/garden tractor
507 330 6347 Faribault