Trading Post recap: 12-2-24
Trading Post 12-2
- For Sale: 2017 Ford Escape SE w/ 4 wheel drive, clean CARFAX, no rust, 50 k miles $12,000 firm
952 448 4907, 952 913 2090 Chaska
- For Sale: Ion ice auger brand new in box $425, Mr. Heater Buddy Heater w/ 4,000-9,000 BTU $45, Strike Master 8 inch electric ice auger w/ manual, extension and battery $125
Montgomery 952 290 0007
- For Sale: 2010 Jayco Jay Flight 22 ft. camper like new $10,000
952 290 3456 Faribault
- For Sale: 1918 Republic truck w/ wooden wheels, 4 cylinder engine, all wooden body and cab make offer
952 290 0666 New Prague
- For Sale: new 250 gallon water tank plastic w/ aluminum framework, will deliver $100
612 554 5205 Shakopee
- For Sale: brand new coffee table $30
612 978 5747 Chaska
- Free: dry firewood to be cut
Waterville 507 685 2285
- For Sale: Farm King 960 3 point snow blower in nice shape $3,500
612 366 5266 Webster
- For Sale: rock box off 2520 John Deere, set of fenders off same tractor, Minnesota flair box on Minnesota running gear w/ hoist
952 237 1792 Carver leave message