Trading Post recap: 12/23/24
Trading Post 12-23
- For Sale: 2006 Ford Freestyle w/ all wheel drive, leather interior and heated seats $4,000
612 718 1894 Waconia
- For Sale: vintage walnut dresser in nice shape $150, vintage side-by-side china cabinet/secretary desk $200 both need a little finishing work
612 790 9355 Lonsdale leave message
- For Sale: six male Rat Terrier puppies 7 weeks old $150 each
651 226 0853 New Prague
- Wanted: lawn/utility tractor
Faribault 507 330 6347
- For Sale: office furniture including three heavy, sturdy desks $20 each and other smaller items must be picked up in Golden Valley this week, duck boat located in Corcoran $700, vintage saw can send pics $50
Corcoran 763 245 9829 call or text
- For Sale: hides professionally tanned and made into blankets, rock box off John Deere 2520 should fit other 20 series tractors, Acorn stair lift
952 237 1792 Carver leave message
- For Sale: 1918 Republic truck 99% complete w/ wooden spoked wheels, rubber tires, hand crank, engine turns freely
952 290 0666 New Prague