Trading Post recap: 12/24/24
Trading Post: Tuesday, December 24th 2024
Looking For: chicken coop that holds 20-25 chickens #612-978-5159 Jordan
Looking For: hay wagon with tires Looking For: 2-4 laying hens #612-308-1902 Lonsdale
For Sale: Craftsman riding lawn mower, 19.5 HP Briggs and Stratton motor, 42 inch cut, comes with a bagger, snow blower, wheel weights, and skid chains, $1000… For Sale: Speedboat with 110 HP Mercury motor… #612-850-5239 Farmington
For Sale: 2000 Chevy Silverado, half ton, 4×4, w/ topper, 162k miles, silver, $5,000 #952-212-9597 Belle Plaine
For Sale: Belt-pulley off a VAC on a Case Tractor… For Sale: Ground-driven International manure spreader… #612-237-9910 East Union
For Sale: 2001 Ford F-150, 4×4, good shape, w/ flat bed, $1500 #507-262-0895 Le Sueur
For Sale: 48 inch round dining table, w/ leaf, and 5 chairs… For Sale: kerosene heaters… #612-750-4875 Waconia
For Sale: KFI 72 inch poly-snow plow for a side by side, $600 #612-790-3468 New Prague
For Sale: gas ice auger, $75 #507-270-7137 St. Peter
For Sale: snow-blower for back of a tractor, $3100 #507-357-6427 Le Center