Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Trading Post recap: 9/13/24

Trading Post 9-13

  • For Sale: set of ATV tires w/o rims, front size 25*8*12, rear size 25*10*12 $200, Craftsman riding lawn mower w/ 19 ½ horse Briggs & Stratton engine, 42 inch cut, bagger and snowblower $1,500 obo, two boats: one speed boat make offer, other boat free call for details 

Farmington 612 850 5239 


  • For Sale: 36 inch round wood burning fire pit $40, turkey fryer used only twice $25, large leather ottoman opens up to single bed, never used $150 

612 298 9693 Faribault


  • For Sale: heavy duty extension ladder, garden hoses of all lengths, boots and rubbers 

612 750 4875 Waconia


  • For Sale: 4 ft. lawn roller $75, newer Remington Rustler weed whip $40, twin cylinder air compressor pump w/ belt and motor pulley $30 

507 665 6592 Henderson


  • Wanted: chest freezer at least 14 cubic ft. or larger 

612 636 5254 Le Sueur


  • For Sale: 2014 Ford Escape Titanium in excellent condition, black in color 

Waconia 952 686 3740


  • For Sale: enclosed car trailer 8 ½ *24 ft. w/ electric winch on front, tires in good shape $9,500 obo 

320 864 9406 between New Prague and Montgomery


  • For Sale: cement pavers 7 ½*16*1⅝ inches $0.25 each obo, bunch of chainsaws for repair or restoration 

612 850 5239 Farmington