Trading Post recap: 9/5/24
Trading Post 9-5
- For Sale: older Case backhoe
320 510 2730 Glencoe
- For Sale: 80 laying hens mostly brown egg layers $6 each
612 418 8684 Montgomery ask for Larry
- For Sale: two garage door openers, Delta and Stanley carpenter tools, cutting torch w/ cart
507 323 5211 Faribault
- Free: 5 ft. dresser w/ mirror, oak finish and two lamps, two night stands, white wicker chair
952 200 1861 New Prague
- For Sale: Owatonna 40 ft. grain elevator w/ 10 ft. swing hopper, grain funnel and 6 ft. chute $400 obo, Reese 5th wheel hitch $150 obo
507 304 5149 Lonsdale
- For Sale: Drexel dining room set, includes: 62 inch table w/ 5 chairs and 3 leaves, and matching mahogany hutch $300 obo for set
Lakeville 612 747 1152
- For Sale: dozen Canadian goose decoy shells w/ bag $120
952 440 1538 Prior Lake
- For Sale: folding walker $25, vacuum $10
612 860 1879 New Prague
- For Sale: set of five Sansui SP 3200 large speakers in good condition $1,250 for set
952 758 7726 New Prague
- For Sale: Kubota mower deck off ZD 21 Pro mower $600
East Union 763 401 0065